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Baseball Quotes

Enos Slaughter Quotes

I asked no odds and I give none. A guy got in my way, I run over him.

I learned early on to never walk while I was on the ball field. I ran everywhere I went.

So I say keep yelling and hustling every minute you're in uniform.

This is a pretty good game and a pretty swell way to make a living. The conditions in the majors are fine and the money is good.

To be a big league ball player, you have to love the game.

We began working on some pension plans as far back as 1946, we were coming out of the military, and not getting any younger and some of us decided we should do something!

Quotes About Enos Slaughter

He looked like he was too small to be a batboy. Little bitty guy, but oh, could he throw hard. - George Giles

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