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Baseball Quotes

Jimmy Dykes Quotes

"Best hitter I ever saw? No, not Cobb, not Joe Jackson, not Babe Ruth. Teddy Williams. No question. He could do everything."

"He could be uncanny. We had Ty Cobb playing with us in '27 and '28, his last two years in baseball. One day he's in right field and Connie starts moving him over with the scorecard, keeps moving him and moving him. You could tell from the way Cobb was responding out there that he thought this was all very curious. But he went along with Connie (Mack). Well, the batter hit the ball right at him. He never had to move. Wehn he came in to the bench at the end of the inning, Cobb said to Connie (Mack), "'I've hear a lot about your scorecard, and from now on I'm going to believe it.'"

"I couldn't (slide into second). I carry my cigars in my back pocket and I was afraid I'd break them."

Quotes About Jimmy Dykes

"When I first came up, he would sit in the corner of the White Sox dugout and yell vicious insults. I'm sure he later let blacks have it, too. But he probably wasn't doing it as a racial thing. He was nasty to everybody." - George Kell

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Cap Anson was the first player to reach 3,000 hits.

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